In Development

  • The Endless Mission

    • A Unity game about making games!

    • Gameplay Coding: Racing, RTS, Platformer

    • Writes user editable and recompilable C#

    • Built localization and achievement systems.

Download And Play!

  • Hypatia

    • UE4 Virtual Reality MMO

    • Gameplay and Engine Programmer

    • Wrote Build/CI/Distribution Tools

    • Implemented QA and Testing Protocols

  • Three Little Pigs VR

    • Summer 2015

    • Made in Unity

    • 3D VR retelling of The 3 Little Pigs

    • Sole Programmer

  • Andre The Dragon Slayer

    • Fall 2014

    • Made in GameMaker

    • Made in 48 hours for Global Game Jam

    • Designed 3rd stage and fire puzzle system

    • Won local award for puzzle design

  • Monkey Mountain

    • Spring 2014

    • Made in Unity

    • Rock Climbing Tutorial/Simulator

    • Worked as level designer and overworld
      gameplay programmer

  • Flocking Space Shooter

    • Fall 2012

    • Made in Processing

    • Simple Arcade Style Shooter with multiple
      flocking AI types

Non-Game Software Engineering Work

  • Virbedit

    • Summer 2014 (While Working at Garmin)

    • Made in C#/C++ MVVM Framework

    • Proprietary Garmin Video Editing Platform

    • Created new info dialog

    • Debugged and standardized cross-platform,
      video upload screenflow

  • Generalized MDP AI Solver

    • Fall 2013

    • Written in Java

    • Solves Stochastic planning problems through
      Q-Learning algorithms

    • Develops optimal navigation policies
      for stochastic environments

  • Particle System Demo

    • Fall 2012

    • Written in Processing

    • Particle system framwork including
      physics-based effects.